People surpise me

Sometimes it surprises me how people can be just so dishonest. It’s not difficult to tell the truth, it’s a heck of a lot easier than lying because then you just dig yourself a deeper hole!! Sure, I’ve told my share of lies, but what teenager hasn’t? What disgusts me is when people tell so many lies they start to believe them. That is truly dysfunctional. In my first year of high school alone I have met a large amount of honestly rotten people. People that will step on others to get ahead, people that lie, girls that expose themselves to the entire student body to attain the attention of one boy that will most likely forget them once the next picture of a new girl comes out, and friends that will backstab, cheat, and lie to get something from you. I’m not saying everybody is like this, but overall, most of the high school kids (well at least at my high school) are. After the first semester I learned my lesson and stuck with the people that have repeatedly proved themselves to be my friend. Now I did not just ditch all of my other ones, but the ones I have an intimate friendship with are chosen because of their actions and their proven faithfulness. Sadly, I have many more lessons to learn much like this one in my next three years, and for the rest of my life. But for anyone who hasn’t learned this lesson yet, heed my warning: Keep the friends you have and don’t trust someone until they have proven they deserve it.

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