From Theocracy to Democracy

This is my first ever initiation of a blog and is inspired by a debate that has been brewing in Mr. Trita Parsi’s Blog called “Nee for your voice”.

This post is purely an expression of my opinion and by no means claims presentation of absolute facts. My intent and objective is to stimulate a constructive debate on a subject that has been very passionately argued on this site. It has been my observation that there is a general consensus that the ruling of IRI is not conducive to a free and democratic society. There is also a general consensus that any change in Iran should be inspired and carried by the people inside Iran who have suffered from lack of freedom and prosperity.

This is where the general consensus ends and people, basically follow two different schools of thought:

1- those who believe that democracy will gradually develop and emerge under the ruling of the IRI through weakening of the hardliner factions in the system and strengthening of the moderate voices.

2- Those who believe that there is no such a thing as peaceful transformation of theocracy to democracy. Therefore, the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom should be supported by both strengthening the masses and/or weakening the grip of IRI by any means that would have least negative effect on people’s welfare (recognizing that even the least impact could mean loss of many lives).

I happen to subscribe to the second school of thought. I believe IRI is at best a theocracy and there is no link between it and democracy. I am also of the opinion that theocracy and democracy contradict in terms. One of the foundations of democracy is separation of church and state and respect for human (individual) rights.

Therefore, democracy can come to life in Iran only when theocracy is dead. The question then becomes how to hasten the death of IRI.

I have not seen a single post on this site that openly supports US/Israel’s attack on Iran to remove IRI from power. Many have rationalized such an action in response to IRI’s hard line with regard to existence of Israel, but not to remove IRI. Any foreign war with Iran would be contrary to shortening the life of IRI. But, eventually (and to the liking of IRI) such war may be unavoidable.

Therefore, with or without war, it is my humble opinion that to accelerate the death of theocracy in Iran, the best tool is to empower people in iran through exposing the atrocities of the government, educating the masses about alternative forms of non-religious government (I believe there are many young, brave, enthusiastic and dedicated souls who would volunteer as foot soldiers to carry this message). There should be an orchestrated and relentless effort to put international pressure on IRI with regard to human rights and isolation of IRI’s dictatorship.

I know it is easy for me to sit in the comfort of my home in US and blab these stuff, but, it is sincerely how I feel and believe. I have never been active in politics, but am very eager to learn.

My apologies for sub-standard mastery of English language.



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