Unity under universal rights

Ari Siletz reports: Everyone at the recent Iran Human Rights Seminar in San Jose, northern California, got a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). During the presentations there was much discussion of religion, and it is possible to review the event by comparing the UDHR to a much older declaration in the Bible. There are ten commandments in the laws of Moses, and three times as many in the UDHR. The first four laws that came down from the mountain aren’t at all about how humans should treat each other; rather they establish the authority of the lawgiver: 1. I’m God, 2. Don’t worship anything else, 3. Respect my name, 4. Every seventh day is “God day.” >>>FULL TEXT

* Also see Farsi report by Leva Zand
گزارش سمینار “بررسی موانع تحقق و رعایت حقوق بشر در ایران”

Photos by Talieh Shahrokhi

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