I am leaving too, You ba$tard$ !

You see,  next Sunday as in every summer in last 5 years  my baby sweet girl(10 yrs) will travel to Europe to visit her Mom(The Ex) for 2 months. Thats when as in every summer  , the Gorgeous Casa nova machine that is “Yours truly” , will start mowing the clubs & scenes  romancing the hot legged ,tanned & gorgeous Madmuasels from “Mars” via the God given charm stilled in Moa .

You see! I,m not as lucky as you single guy bastards who have the whole year to party but a mere 2 months in summer .So for the next 2 months while my baby girl is away I will wake up from my 10 month “Bear sleep” & change from a hot single Dad to a hot single Dude.

I got 2 choices ..what do you think?…either bore you out with ancient Iran or Persia OR Get busy by the lovely & tanned….. I thought so!!! after all the expression “So many women ..so few time” is realy Me!!!

Hey don,t get me wrong I worship My princess, my life ..but “Daddy” needs to take care of “Daddy” too…lol..

So your prayers are answered in summer….Less samsam!

Hope all of you will have a blast in summer& forget the pain & miseries that all of us carry as baggage …Well  atleast  for summer!

I be in touch & bug some you at times ..wink wink.. no drama here.

one of Moa,s original lines “”I,m actualy George Clooney Disguised here with special effect make up for privacy””..Believe me!  1 half naked half drunk actualy fell for it ..but as you know a Gentelman never abuse drunken zombies no matter how sexy they are…:)

Cheers JJ & all!

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