I would like to start from the beginning; indeed the topic is broad! For me the broader it is the more possible and probable it will become. As soon as you try to narrow it down, the chances of its comprehension and meaning become less likely. For example; Divine or Manmade? I have no idea what divine is! All I know is that our knowledge is limited, so perhaps we sum all of our unknowns and call it Divine! May be as some people believe there is a need for the religious laws. My fear is what would happen if there were no laws? Would we treat our selves’ with more compassion? Probably not!
Why do we need a framework to know Right from Wrong? That is the key question: How do you act? You make decisions.
How do you decide? You judge the situation.
How do you judge? You refer to your past experience to project the possible consequences.
Then you compare the various projections, which path takes you toward your goal?
But what is the goal? May be that is the key question!
Is there a common goal for Humanity? Can we agree on anything? Looks like we cannot agree on anything! Some people do not even agree on Death! They have a reservation in Heaven.