To all those good hearted visitors here.
But, let me give you a piece of advise, and perhaps dose of reality.
We live in a very cruel and selfish world. EVERYONE and every country is looking out for their own sailfish interest. Be it economic, religion, political, ideological, you name it. Just as much as U.S. is spreading its interest around the world, looking after its own economical and ideological interest, other countries do the same for religious or their own ideological interest.
Despite all the bellicose assertion of being civilized, and pretentious bravado of living by “international law”, and “human right”, in reality it is all hogwash. Human race is no different the any other animals. Whether one admits it or not, We also engage in the survival game of the fittest. We just do it in far more sophisticated manners. We posses the same animalistic behavior as the rest of animals do it.
As much as it may sound cruel and objectionable, the bottom line is, If you are strong – physically, intellectually, economically. You are right. You’re weak, you are wrong. We are intelligent enough to look around the history of mankind in past 3000 years to realize the validity of this axiom.
People always will have that perennial expectation. “what can you do for me”. They always will pay more attention to, and will associate with those who contribute to the their own safety, security, feed dress, or otherwise improve the overall quality of their life.
Furthermore, today we live in a knowledge based society. The power of knowledge, where Knowledge is the real power.
Let focus on the Israeli-Arab conflict. Where Israel is rendered and vilified as “occupier” the “colonialist” the “foreign element” in the Islamic Middle East. Where the poor “indignant Palestinians” are suffering so much by the hand of whom call “Zionists”, etc.
Now look at this conflict as it is most likely perceived and viewed from those power-be, the head of governments, those decision-makers, in Washington, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, New Delhi, Doha, and many other countries friendly to Israel.
What they see is a small country which picked itself up from ashes of a holocaust and 1900 years of persecutions. Took over a derelict desert, and in 60 years, they have transform their little country into power house of knowledge and center of scientific research and development. A country which provides solutions to some of the most acute problems facing humanities. Health, medicine, sophisticated agricultural development, to help others to feed their ever growing population. Defense technologies to defend their borders against terror. Industrial products, etc.
Israel produces on per capita, more engineers, doctors, and other scenarists then all Arab states COMBINED.
Despite its security concerns, Israel attracts more investments from other western countries then all its Arab neighbors – Combined.
One Israeli worker produces more products and services (GDP) then his counter parts in 10 Arab countries – combined
Now Compare that to what the Arab world in general, and Pals in particularly contribute to other countries.
When a member of Saudi, or the Jordanian Royal’s families is taken to Israel’s Hadassa Hospital in Jerusalem where his / her live is saved by Israeli doctors. These people will look at the Israelis far different then leaders of Hamas or Hizbollah expect them to do.
When Israel provides sophisticated technologies to countries like India, China, etc., which help them to increase their agricultural yield. Or to defend themselves against ever growing terror elements against their civilians. It is obvious that, these and other countries like them, will put their own interest ahead of the Palestinians. These former enemies become ardent supporters and friend of Israel. That is just the reality of life.
You see, by their continued whining and unrealistic expectations, Palestinians and many other decent Arabs & Muslims translate it into continued demand for others to feed them, and solve their political problem for them. Such that, they create more burden for peoples to worry about.
Israelis solve other people’s problem. Pals create problems for others..
Now, you and others heart bleeding individuals may continue to sing that Dixie song of “Justice”, and “Fairness” all day long. It will not help much. Unless the Arabs & Palestinian leaders will learn to rely on themselves to create a better world for their people, they will be stuck in the same hole for a very long time. Becoming a more knowledge based societies. Contribute their fair share to the humanities beside just oil.
More use of the big head to achieve their independence through negotiations, not terror. Replace the bullets with ballots, to elect their leaders. Produce less children, to have enough to provide better education to their young generation. Produce more Architects & engineers to design & build buildings. Not destroy them. More doctors to save lives, not homicide bombers to create more death and destruction. Teach the sanctity of life, not the glory of death.
These are the elements which make ones strong and “right”. Not continue to warp world’s conscious about their plight.