The Truth About Iran’s Policy Towards Israel

The Bush administration (in particular) and more generally US administrations have been playing a two sided game with Iran’s mullahs – that has been termed public enmity and prive amity.

In the case of Israel, the United States has realized that the Camp David accord solved the problem between Egypt and Israel – BUT – has in fact, in retrospect, provided Israel with no credible motivation to settle with its other neighbors and the palestinians – since (with Egypt neutralized) it isn’t scared of anyone.

So Iran is being used as a local bully to scare off Israel …into making peace. The Bush administration pretends to love Israel and support Israel, but is privately dealing with Mullahs to scare Israel …and achieve other strategic aims too (such as obtain an excuse to place missiles on Russia’s border, scare UAE into buying billions of dollars of arms, steal away oil from the Caspian Sea ….). The mullahs influence with Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria is all part of a grand scheme to influence Israel into coming to the table, scared and ready to negotiate.

The Mullahs in Iran have long had private relations with the US administration – dating back to secret deals between Reagan/Bush to keep the hostages at the US embassy to humiliate Carter, to Iran-Contra, to direct support for the Afghanistan Invasion, to …..

The Bush family hate the Jews. They were Nazi sympathizers before the second world war (and Grand daddy Bush actually helped finance Nazi Germany when he was a wall street banker). They are/were very close to many evangelist christrians and Nixon who it has now been revealed through the watergate tapes …exchanged nasty comments about Jewish influence in the US, etc. …

The Mullahs are playing a mean political hand pretending to hate the US, while privately serving US interests in the region. They are traitors – and are selling Iran out.

As you all know, the sanctions against Iran have no teeth. The US doubled its DIRECT exports to Iran during the Bush administration, Iran is doing Billions of Dollars of Business with Iraq. The enmity US is espousing has no real meaning or significance. Its all hollow.

The key with Politics is to focus on actions NOT rhetoric. In actions, the Mullahs have been doing and ARE doing exactly what the US needs them to do – to serve US interests.

The whole Idea with Israel is to get them to come to the negotiation table, like they did with Egypt …scared. And Iran is being used to accomplish that.

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