Lets assume that you and I are neighbors. We have different religions, history, heritage and languages. After living side by side for 1000’s of years. It comes time when neither of us wish to live in the same state governed by the other side. Fair enough. One day, a representative of international community (League Of Nations), suggests to divide the land among us. Where each will form its own state and govern its people as it sees fit, and continue to live in peace side by side as good neighbors.
Now, suppose you respond, “Absolutely not, the WHOLE territory is mine, and I want it all. We will live in one state under MY religious laws. Where being the minority, you will live under my political, social and religious diktat, and under my protection”.
Moreover, as part of the campaign to prevent me from establishing my homeland, your avowed anti-Semite religious highest authority (Muhammad Amin Al Husseini), traveled to Nazi Germany and met (29 November 1941) with Hitler to convince him to extend his on-going Holocaust in Europe into Palestine, with promise of Arab cooperation to implement the completion of Nazi’s vision of “Final Solution to the Jewish problem”. And you still expect me to believe your purported benevolence of living together in peace and harmony under your leadership.
“But”, I reply, “habibi, we have tried it unsuccessfully for 1400 years. I want to exercise my inalienable right to live on my ancestral land, in my own state, where my people can find refuge and safe from further persecutions, and re-occurrence of the Holocaust”. I then, proceed and declare my independence (15 May 1948), and form my own state and government. After which, most members of that international body (UN), recognize and approve of.
You get mad, and scold me, “how dare you to free yourself from my superior domain?”. You then call on the bullies in your neighboring countries to join in with the feast, and together you invade my one day old state, with declared intention to “drive me into the sea”, take my state, my land, and subjugate me to your 7 th century dogma. However, I somehow manage to defend myself. Not only defend my original borders, but push you, and your bullies away from my population centers, end up taking more of yours and their territory. Due to your leaders foolish decision to go to war, and subsequent defeat, majority of your people became refugees in the same neighboring states who joined the war.
However, those of your people, who refused to listen to their then leader to leave their homes, remained in place, and agreed to become citizens in the new state (of Israel), they never lost their homes, nor their land. Now, 60 years later, they make up 17% of our population. They still enjoy their freedom of expression, religion, cultural, and heritage, in an open and democratic system, protected by a powerful legal and judicial system, lead by our Supreme Court.
These citizens (“your refugees”) now have 10 representative in the legislative (Knessett) body., A member in the Cabinet (Science & Cultural). Another one of those “refugees”, is a highly respected member in our Supreme Court. Today we have a system of government to which, yourself would never have dreamed of having it yourself, nor provide to yur own people..
Now, suppose that, after losing that war, your so called brother-friends in those neighboring states, keep many of your people locked in refugee camps, under horrible conditions. Only to be used for political purposes, and to keep the flame of hatred, against whom, you had initiated the hostilities in the first place.
To intensify the hatred against me, you manage to convince other oil rich states in the region, to use their oil and other means to declare economic, diplomatic, military, demographic, and moral assault against my very existence, in an effort to destroy my inalienable right in my own country. All to no avail.
Suppose that, some of your fundamentalist allies even go as far as deny the existence of the Holocaust. One of the most extensively documented heinous crimes perpetrated on human race – labeling it as myth. In an effort to de-legitimize the very reason, for which my state was establishment, as a democratic and sovereign, and deny me the inalienable right to live in my own state.
Furthermore, suppose that, the world community offers you numerous times a chance to have your own state in those territories in which, the world organization have already recognized as yours. So you will form your own state. However, you still insist to flood my state with your citizens, under the pretence of “Right of Return”, with clear objective of using my democracy to destroy my democracy, my country, my cultural and religion, by demographic means. When the world community disagrees with you. You respond by sending your teenage youth, wrapped with explosives to infiltrate into our buses, schools and shopping centers, and blow themselves with intent to kill as many young man and women of their age, as possible. All under the pretense of “resistance to occupation”.
When I hand you back an entire territory (Gaza), so you can begin the first steps of building yourself a viable society, governed by an elected party (Hamas). Instead, this group invents a non existing occupation (of Gaza), and manufactures resistance by launching senseless rocket onto my population centers. Putting their own civilians as well as mine at great risk.
Suppose that, after 60 years of watching your continued mayhem, re-enforced by your election of fundamentalists to govern you. A group which had promised you nothing else, except continue with further bloodshed.
In response to your leaders uncompromising hatred and use of violence to get your way, the rest of the world gets sick and tired of playing your game, and start seeing through your real agenda and intention to commit genocide against a minority group. All under the bogus excuses of “resistance” and “liberating an occupied land”. A result of which, the world community, including your own neighboring friends, abandon you and your cause.
If by know, it is not clear about whom we are talking about. THAT IS THE REAL STORY BEHIND THE PALESTINIAN PHENOMENON. The Palestinian–Israeli conflict is not about a piece of land, rather it is about state of mind.
Jews,Christians, & Muslims have lived in these region for thousands of years. Jews and Christians somehow have managed to find a silver path to live side by side in peace and harmony. Why good and honest Muslim-Arab can’t do the same is beyond imagination.