dust in the wind

there’s a young lady on this site and i asked her a question a couple of days ago and

she likes to answer things with music so she gave me a link to the song

dust in the wind.  and it

really didn’t have anything to do with my question but it had everything

to do with my question. and i

know this song very well, it’s from my generation.

i know it says dust in the wind all we are is dust in the wind

everything is dust in the wind

but i also know it says nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky. and

i am probably twice her age and i have come to understand

that that means something.

and i also understand that the wind as well lasts forever. and that means something too.

i said something very similar to this very recently. i said it

somewhere where i was saying good-bye. baad maaraa khaahad 

 bord, i said, one thing you can always depend on

is the wind.


the wind will carry us.




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