Last week I decided to give this “photojournalism” thing a try. I had the pleasure of representing at the ISIS conference in Toronto, Canada on July 31 and August 1. It was really amazing. A very large array of research topics from “History of Slavery in Iran” to “A Socio-phonetic Investigation of Rhotics” (rhotics refers to “R”-like sounds) were presented.
I was told roughly 800 people had registered by Friday night. There were presentations from people from all over the world including Iran, US, Canada, UK, France, Australia, Latvia, India, Sweden and Israel.
I was impressed both by the depth and breadth of the topic but also how smooth its logistical operations went. I put some more commentary in the caption of the individual pictures.
Note: The conference is not over! It goes through Sunday night. These photos only represent Thursday and Friday. One of the more anticipated events was the Shahnameh Millenium Concert on Saturday Night which unfortunately I could not attend. It is going on as I’m writing this. For any of you who were also there, feel free to leave a comment with more explanation under each photo. Also, if you have your own set of pictures covering Saturday and Sunday, send them to us.
The photo essay starts with a few shots of downtown Toronto where the events were held. Then I show some of the sessions I attended. On Friday night, the big event was the speech by Akbar Etemad who is the founder of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. At the end I have a few shots of the local media coverage for this event. Enjoy!