One thing was sacred!

Let me start telling you that like the vast majority of Iranians I oppose the mere existence of the IRI, as a regime or establishment or whatever you may want to call it. I am saying this so you don’t think I’m an IRI brainwashed supporter, although it’s left to you to believe me.

This site’s motto is: Nothing is sacred. I agree with that with ‘one’ exception. Nevertheless; there’s one thing that I would consider ‘sacred’ and that is what some of our dear compatriots did selflessly and that was, defending their homeland against a foreign invasion. An invasion supported by the west and others and literally ignored by the rest including the UN.  In those days we only had ourselves to defend our country. Unlike the last Iraq war and following invasion, nobody seemed to care about us. The only people who truly cared were those who didn’t hesitate a second to do whatever they could to stop the enemy. Their means were limited and precarious but yet they did what they did bravely and honestly. This cannot be but sacred. This has happened and it’s happening elsewhere around teh world, people that consider their first and foremost duty to defend their dignity and home.  The clip below. is a tribute to those fellow Iranians who lost their lives so the rest of us would be safe and sound. Please don’t let some religious aspects of this clip to awaken your grudge against a regime that we all despise. It has nothing to do with them and everything to do with us. In the memory of our friends:

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