guess who

the guess who were a wonderful canadian band in the late sixties and early seventies. they are most famous for their song ‘american woman’ but they had a lot of other hits. one of them is very beautiful, and very sad. i wanted to post it. it has nothing to do with my feelings for all of you. but it’s something i have to post 

iim going to delete my account this weekend. i’m sorry but i have to do it. if you want to read anything by me over the next few days to know the real rosie (the real robin) you should go to my writings from last year and from this past january. i’m not too happy with my writings from the last couple of months. they didn’t come from the depths of me except for some of the poems. and the things i’ve written this past week. i was finding my true voice again. that’s why i changed my avatar, so you’d know better who I am. but circumstances conspired such that i need to leave permanently.

the political ones and on the power and potential of this website and this technology: “On War, This Website and Concession” and “I Believe in the Internet.”and “Our Google Ratings.” also have some important things to say for some people.

my decision is final.  i(if one could say it’s even a decision). ‘m sorry. ii won’t be posting anymore. i expect to have my account deleted by saturday. ‘ll miss you all very much.


ps. actually in thinking about it there is one thing i;’d like you all to read. it’s a poem i wrote a couple of months ago and blogged here. it’s called “nation.” the battle between ohrmazd,  the Light, over ahriman, darkness, is the central symbol. that’s what i want you all to remember of me. so i’ll post it now.



you are tearing

you are tearing

you are torn in two


like your nation

your beautiful nation

you are torn asunder


there are two of you


and it wounds you

so you wound others

to heal those wounds


but the battle

that rages

must be fought in you


because you

only you 

can heal your nation’s wounds 


your beautiful wounded nation

is waitng for you 


nation of  Haafez

of Forough  

nation of nightengale and rose


of koroush


of al-quarezmi 

and mossadegh


shirin ebaadi


nation of you


your beautiful bleeding  nation

is waiting for beautiful you


and the final 


must burn in you

and the forest must succumb

to the flames


and the Light

must triumph

over dark

it is foretold


new growth emergimg

far richer than ever imagined


trees of Faith

trees of Strength

trees of sacred Truth


of branches

reaching out

embracing the world with Light


and the time

it is now

and has always been now

it is here right here

this is your time Iraan


Everything is Sacred

the Sacred is You



Jaavid Iraan

I will never lose Faith in You.

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