College Park is a small town in the state of Maryland in the eastern part of the United States. Radio College Park is a weekly Persian (Farsi) radio program so called Podcast produced every Friday by a group of Iranian students and alumni of the University of Maryland as well as its audience.
كالج پارك شهری كوچك در ايالت مريلند در شرق آمريكاست. برنامه هفتگی راديو كالج پارك هر جمعه توسط گروهی از دانشجويان و فارغ التحصيلان ايرانی دانشگاه مريلند و همچنين شنوندگان آن تهيه ميشود
As one of the contributors to this radio, I am so proud that we have been able to keep the radio alive for more than 3 years and producing 165 programs just through contribution by volunteers.