Asadollah Lajevardi

Several memorial ceremonies were held in Iran this week, commemorating the life and achievements of Seyyed Asadollah Lajevardi, who was assassinated in Tehran 10 years ago.  He was the warden of Evin prison from 1981 until 1985.  A former political prisoner himself during the Shah’s era, he became warden to a prison jampacked with political prisoners who were tortured, many of whom executed.  What I have never understood is why the Islamic Republic of Iran has insisted to this day, that Lajevardi was a kind and loving man.  Why the insistence on his benevolence?  I mean even within the IRI propaganda system, no one ever says Sadegh Khalkhali was a kind and generous man!  All I know is that the few people I know who did survive Evin under his management and lived to talk about it do not share those sentiments.

See Fars News Agency’s interesting photographs, commemorating his assasination.

And read here what his friends and die-hard fans Nategh Noori, Habibollah Asgaroladi, and Mohammadi Gilani (left in the photograph above) had to say about him yesterday at a conference dedicated to him.


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