Is There a God?

There are fascinating arguments launched by philosophers for believing in existence of a divine being. Ontological Argument brings the most intriguing of such ideas forward.

The word Ontos means existence and the word Logos means reasoning. The argument has grown dominantly in the ideas of Saint Anselm ( British archbishop of Cantenbury 1033 – 1109 AD) as well as in Rene Descartes (French mathematician/philosopher 1596 – 1650 AD). Same ideas are portrayed in world-views of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Italian philosopher 1225 – 1274 AD) and Rumi and Hafiz (Persian philosophers of the 13th and 14th century AD).

But, even such robust ideologies have failed to save us from ourselves. It seems that all these thinkers’ triumph into the realm of supernatural has been wasted in the evanescent mediocre pleasures of the last centuries.

Now, we need to stop and think about the suffering that all this negligence has brought us. In the name of God, nationalism, religion, and race we have vouchsafed continuous atrocities against humanity. We have allowed moral decadence to diminish the purpose of life.

The main question should not anymore be whether God exists. All this reasoning should be focused on Morality. Today, we need to ask what it is that we need to accomplish with us the Human Beings- whether there is a God or not.

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