Islam and Iran. An Open Letter

Before listening to your clerics about Islam’s past glories. Whine and blame others (Jews & Christians) for your own failures in life. Excuse away Muslim’s present miserable state of affairs, on some Western colonialists ended 100 years ago. Just think for a moment, how many more times is this cleric is going to reveal to you that terrible “truth” about the, ‘Zionist (Jewish) conspiracy to rule the world’.

When confronted, the first reaction comes off Muslim is claim responsibilities for developments made in the 12th-13th centuries in Europe. “we taught the filthy Europeans to be civilized”, and “we were, we invented, we are the greatest” et.. Fine, Islam was a super power in some period in history. But it ended more then 900 years ago. Resting on laurels of bygone era will not solve your social, and economical problems of today.

Just as much as Muslims were a great society, so were greater ones before, and after the Islamic empire came and gone. The Egyptians, the Chinese, the Greeks, the Romans, the Persian and the British Empires. At least, these munificent societies have left their marks on humanity through their social, and engineering monuments, demonstrating their advanced knowledge in applied science, physics, chemistry, social science, democracy, etc. The fruits of their knowledge are still used today. Do we hear the descendent’s of these great societies howling their lungs “we were” or “we did”?

If one examines those purported Islamic accomplishments close enough, the obvious question remain, except for those grandiose Mosques and shrines built to glorify one man. What else Muslims have left behind? In reality, Islamic scholars achievement in these field were confined mainly in theoretical science, mostly works translated from the Rome, and Greek, or an improvements to an existing formula or theory, with very few applied Science .

All throughout modern times, society has instituted a system by which an inventor, or discoverer of scientific knowledge is rewarded with naming that discovery after his/her name. If your assertion of vast Islamic discoveries is true, why they are not taught in schools and universities throughout the world. Most glaring of which your claim of developing the Algebra & Calculus, then why the letters used are Greek and Roman, and not Arabic?

Maybe one should ask that venerable Imam or Mullah, to list those tangible contributions in any human endeavor, where good Muslims have made to humanities for past 900 years. Beside oil, of which Arab or Iranians didn’t even discovered, nor developed. Nothing.

How can anyone believe to that illiterate Akhoodeh or Imam in any city in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc., when he asserts with fiery fervor that Muslims are intellectually superior to the non-believers, when the best University throughout Arab & Islamic countries is not even ranked among the top 3000 centers of knowledge and education th4roughout the world. In reality, and unfortunately Muslims can not introduce even one world renowned University, Scientific Research Center. A world class Hospital. Major Industrial or High Technology Center? Nor name few renowned Arab researchers and scholars whom have had profound effect in improving the lives of humanity in the last 800 years.

How can anyone believe these clergies who claim, Islam reveres all those Jewish and Christian prophets, as their own. While, they will forbid any of the gospels preached by these Prophets, from entry in Saudi Arabia – Islam’s birth place. While same Muslim clerics teach good and honest Muslims to “listen to the trees and rocks telling you to kill Jews hiding behind these them”. What type of self respecting society will accept such garbage as “gospel and words of Allah” ?

Why would anyone give any credence to the same clerics, calling Western civilization “Inferiors”. Or labeling Jews Apes and Pigs, while themselves offer innocent and vulnerable Muslims a standard of living comparable to Apes, and oppress them to think like a pig.

Today we live in knowledge based societies. How good and honest Muslims are able to improve their standard of living through utilization of modern scientific and academic tools, when they are forced into a 7th century mind-set, by accepting a book written some 1300 years ago, purported to contain all the human knowledge written by Allah for “true believers”.

How can anyone with a common sense, call Islam “a peaceful, and tolerant religion”, when non-Muslim minorities living among throughout Arab & Islamic states experience neither peace, nor tolerance, fearful to practice their respective religions and cultural in public.

With pervasive oppression and deprivation of freedom to express one’s thoughts and speech in public, are we still surprised why Islamic countries publish the lowest number of books and manuscripts per Capita in the world. In science, medical research, cultural, space explorations, etc. Publication intended to expand human knowledge, and promote better understanding of human endeavor.

Muslims are neither genetically inferior, nor any less capable then anyone else. Nonetheless, would it be a big surprise, how come Muslims with population of 1.4 Billion, have produced only a handful Nobel Laureates – almost all of which in non-scientific fields. And those “nejesta” (Jews), whom Muslim clerics label as, “Apes & Pigs” with population 100 times smaller, they have produced more then 26 times of that Muslims.

The reason is very simple and straight forward my friend. After 1400 years, of oppression and suppression of one’s freedom, time seem to stand still for most Muslims, while the civilized world have passed them by. No one can think of anything new, when he / she is forced to think, praise, and adhere to a cult warship of one illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago.

Just Consider the world’s perception of Muslims these days – Terror, fear, Poverty, desperation, hatred of non-Muslims. Constant ranting for revenge, dictatorships. Corrupt and despotic clerics in some countries, dictating every aspect of your life. Continued oppression, and suppression of individual’s mind and spirit. Al Qa’eda, Jihad, Jihannam (hell), Hamas, Ayatollahs, Talibans. Homicide bombers, Hizbollah, Nassrallah, who invent occupation to manufacture Reziztance, (Resistance), by targeting civilians to murder. Send a child to kill another one – in Israel, Algeria, Philippines, Iran, Iraq (war). And a holy book which contain orders to murder and loot anyone who does not follow Islam. Do we get the picture by now?

Average size of Arab or Muslim family in ME & Gulf region is a staggering 24-30 children (4 wives x 6 child per wife). Now, with one of the lowest income per capita in the world, how anyone expects to feed, dress and educate these children to become respected members of society ? It is unfortunate, isn’t it?.

Muslims occupy over 99.8% of the Middle East, and Gulf Region, including Jews & Christians holiest sites in Jerusalem. Yet, for past 60 years, all they have been obsessed with, and whining about the 0.2% of the land occupied by Jews. Still, should we expect the rest of world to take Muslims claim of “victimized” any seriously? Or believe to their claim of the desire to live in co-existence with other non-Muslims in peace and tolerance.

No, Khanom, yah Agha, the real occupation is not about some petty sliver of land occupied by non-Muslims. Rather, the occupation of hate, intolerance, oppression, and sense of hopelessness instilled in hearts and mind of innocent children throughout the Arab & Islamic region for past 1400 years. It is Muhammad’s own teaching which brought the Islamic states to where they are now. No one else to blame but themselves.

Today, almost 60 years later, it is clear to the civilized world that, The Palestinian agenda has been exploited by, either corrupt and despotic military dictators throughout the Arab world, or that fundamentalist Muslim clerics in mosques, preaching innocent Muslims blind hate and intolerance, just to advance their own political and religious objectives. While, more then 5 Million Palestinians are made to suffer by the hand of the very people who profess to be fighting for their their rights.

So, whom are these Islamic clerics trying to fool? This is EXACTLY the reason why western civilizations treat most Muslim, and those of Hamas and its Palestinians with contempt and luck of sympathy.

The question is, when rational decent Muslims are going to wake up to reality of today, and take tangible steps to alter the fundamentalist mind-set from violence and mass murder of innocent people to civilized one. Maybe, it should start with you.

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