Ads pushing Iran strike show Denver under missile attack from Boulder

A nonprofit lobbying organization aimed at strengthening Israel’s image in the media quietly ran ads during the Democratic National Convention in which Boulder, Colorado launches missile attacks on Denver, in an attempt to bolster support for Israeli action against Iran.

Today, The Israel Project released a survey showing that 63 percent of Americans support an Israeli “surgical” strike on Iran’s purported nuclear facilities, with 55 percent supporting America’s participation in such a strike. The poll, however, did not note the organization’s effort to lobby those being polled.

The Boulder attack ad shows a map of Denver being hit by flaming missiles, then an image of Israel being hit by the same weapons. It then displays an image of Iran, followed by ominous missile launches, a photograph of a man with a black hood over his face, Iran’s president, and a silhouetted traveler with a suitcase.

“The Time for World Leaders to Act Is Now,” it concludes.

The group is also running ads during the Republican National Convention tying US support for Israel to lessening America’s reliance on “Mid-East oil.”

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