Blog Machine

This site is continuously used to hit and run political views. It is sometime good to see cultural comments too. But we can really benefit from this site in another way as well. Using this site as a business networking tool it will have two distinctive advantages for us.

– First and obvious one is that we can improve our business or career prospects. We can create contacts and introduce our services and skills. I am sure a charming person like JJ does not mind it.

– Secondly it been a while since some employers are concern about their employees using blog sites for passing time. For employers time is money and we will make a good impression by using a business section. Should we have a business section on this site with a very larg heading saying BUSINESS? It will not harm and no need to use the panic bottom just in case. It can look professional too.

Finally Iranian are not harvesting each others talents which we really could do so if there was a business section.

Meet Iranian Singles

Iranian Singles

Recipient Of The Serena Shim Award

Serena Shim Award
Meet your Persian Love Today!
Meet your Persian Love Today!