Flash Back

This is all about Fado (destiny, fate)

You asked me the other day,

If ,I may know what the Fado (fate) is about

I tell you ,I do not know

you praising me without knowing ( of being said or sang)

I only feel or sense the hours(moments)

I say to you that you will not know

and thats all I can say for now,

Of the lost souls,

Of the lost nights,

The bizzar shadows in Mouraria

and a crying guitar

a jealous nature of love,

the pain ,the sin

of all these things that exist,

Of all the sorrows

these are all about Fado (destiny,fate).

Sir, if you desire me ,

Wish to be on my side for always,

Do not speak of love only to me,

Speak of Fado and

all my punishment I was born with.

Fado is all I know about

and therefore there is not much I say.

For few years of my life, I had the priviledge of living in Cascais Portugal . The city , enjoys architect of Moors,Spaniards and other ouside influence .Sintra


withn 3o minutes drive can take you to a breath taking vista and a visit to Lord Byrons Cottage where he wrote his poems and entertained his admirers.

Cascais aslo enjoy the reputation of the City of LUis de Cameos,the lengendary poet. I am not going further, but introducing you to unicque

style singing and music called Fado .Fado means destiny ,fate .the song and translation will tell you allabout it .

I did the translation with help of the dictionary and I it is almost based on what I undestood .It is not the best but it gives you an idea.

The singer is famous Amalia Rodrigues .The song is called “Tudo isto e Fado”

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