For the sake of everyone, no more 9/11

I don’t know how many times of have heard the numbers 9/11 and the phrase” the day the world changed” together.  The world did change, but not for the reasons most people, especially Americans think.

No matter how one looks at the events of 9/11/2001, it was, is and will continue to be a horrendous event during which a lot of innocent people died.  For no reason.

Although 9/11 was a 4 hour event for the U.S., the pain and suffering of loved ones left by the people who died continues for a generation or 2.

9/11 for the innocent people of Afghanistan and Iraq has been going on for 7+ years. Even using the most conservative estimates, 300,000+ people have died in these 2 countries.  This figure does not include the 4,000 young American soldiers or the 22,000 injured ones.  7,000 of the injured ones have sustained so much physical damage that they can not even have a near normal life for the rest of their lives. 

All of this for what?!  Some cave dwelling goat eating self appointed Arab prohet getting his rocks off or a stupid implanted cowboy proving to his dad that he can make more $$$ for his friends than he did. Both the Bin Ladan and the Bush family names will go down the annals of history as evil.  There is no question.

Although all this death and destruction is because of money and power, the underlying enabler is religion.  If we get rid of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths most of our problems will be solved.

9/11 did change the world.  It provided the greatest excuse to kill for $$$ in the name of God.

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