Martial Law Declared in Congress!

Representative Michael Burgess admits it was so. A three part interview, discussing this point. The public deserve to know.  He represents 820000 people and yet did not have access to the bill until it was time to pass it through congress. These tactics are used by governments when they want to force through a bill. “No hearing… no committee… no input…”

Smacks of the Homeland Security bill…

Is this democratic? 95% of Americans against it…

Part 0ne: “Martial Law” – Michael Burgess Congress Rep

Part Two: He admits he still hasn’t read the whole bill! He asks: “Where is the accountability?” (for those who did things wrong.)

Part Three: The CEOs should be held accountable! You’d almost call it insider trading!! “High financial crimes have been committed.”

Criminal hijacking of the Republic!

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