
You Bet Ya

It’s sad when a country that now ranks similar to the third world in many aspects, wants a leadership team that their intelligence is the

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Price of Love

I am just back from my painful trip (every year, I go through this painful ritual of taking my confuse,80 yr old mother who can

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A People Betrayed

If Wall Street hogs are just now facing economic crisis, Main Street has been feeling the crunch for much longer, and My Street has been

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Dumb and Really Dumb

Just as Jim (Carrey) and Jeff (Daniels) made America laugh with their classic comedy back in 1994, “John and Barack “are also making us laugh

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Iran Deposes Another King

Once again, the cowardice and ignorance of modern American journalism allowed the wrong idea to seem like a fantastic solution. Well, all I can say

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The Falling Stream

Waiting had never scared me so much. Waiting for a free shower, for a peaceful moment of loneliness among the crowd, inside those walls made

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Billie Holiday

Oh Billie, I dance with you Holding your waist with my hand I circle around on tiptoe Your playful rhythm leaks into my veins And

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شب و امید

شب روی شهر رقصید   رهگذر از چاله آب جهید   این درد قدیم از خواب پرید   از گذشته آمد و آینده را ندید

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The Kiss, goodbye

I met Firoozeh and Farzaneh Rouhanizadeh at my goodbye party in New York in 1996. They lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I

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