I am sure that most of us know (or can remember) how it feels when you fall in love especially at the beginning – everything is beautiful. That is how I have been feeling since 11:00 pm EST Tuesday November 4, 2008! I truly have not felt this mush hope for the future since I landed in New York some 30 years ago. I realize that not all love stories have happy ending but many do. I can understand how some people may consider the President Elect Obama as an “empty promises” but I hope that they consider the fact that this is a done deal and he is the President Elect – so stop being negative and give him the minimum he earned and deserves – the benefit of doubt. What we as individuals can do in the mean time is the do our part – whatever you consider your part is and do your best in doing that. The personal satisfaction that you can have by doing your best in whatever you do is tremendous and it will show and it is contagious (and it will bring happiness into your life)!