Hillary ‘The Obliterator of Iran’ at the helm?

While everyone is speculating about behind the scene agreements over Clinton’s appointment as Obama administration’s Secretary of State, some people can’t forget her remarks in an ABC News interview last April.  She answered the question of how she would deal with Iran if Iran attacked Israel with nuclear weapons, as:  “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

One of those people is Dr. Abbas Milani, who told Helene Cooper of The New York Times: 

“I don’t think that Hillary Clinton could do this,” said Abbas Milani, director of the Iranian studies program at Stanford University. “When she thought she had no serious opponent in Obama, she was a much more reasonable person on Iran. But the minute she got into the game of trying to embarrass Obama, she began saying things, and the words you say during a campaign do have meaning.”

What do you think?  These days some people are busy attacking Rahm Emanuel’s appointment as a Chief of Staff who might have ties to Israel.  But will the Obama/Clinton team work in harmony on US’ foreign policy approach to Iran, or will Hillary Clinton be Obama cabinet’s Dr. Strangelove?

Here’s The New York Times article on the subject:  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/16/us/politics/16clinton.html?ref=us

And here’s an Associated Press videoclip on the “rumors” on the appointment:

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