UN head fears over Gaza blockade

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has told Israeli PM Ehud Olmert he is deeply concerned about humanitarian conditions in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

In a telephone call, he urged Mr Olmert to ease the delivery of aid to the territory, Mr Ban’s office said.

Israel imposed the blockade on the Gaza Strip two weeks ago amid fresh violence between militants and Israeli troops.

On Tuesday, the UN’s top human rights official said the restrictions deprived Palestinians of “basic human rights”.

Mr Ban’s office said he had expressed his “deep concern over the consequences of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza”.

International pressure

The statement said he asked for the freer movement of humanitarian supplies into Gaza and also of “concerned United Nations personnel”.

“The Israeli prime minister denounced the continuing rocket fire into Israel from Gaza, but agreed to look seriously into the urgent matter raised by the secretary-general,” the statement added.


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