Six Pillars to Persia radio show is due to give away four tickets

Mon Dec 1st, Six Pillars to Persia radio show, are giving away 2 pairs of tickets to 4 consecutive art-film screenings at the Barbican, Sat Dec 6th. To win tickets simply email us at sixpillarstopersia at with your answer to this question: What does the title Untitled say about a work? The best answers will be read out on the show and the top two answers win. This art-film screenings are called the “Untitled” and look at film and video art from Iran in four main ways. Starting at 13.00 on Sat Dec 6th, each screening is followed by a Q & A with the artists who are mostly coming from outside the UK for the screenings. Search the Barbican website for Untitled for more details on the Untitled screenings.  

Six Pillars to Persia is live Mondays 13.30 repeated Sundays 20.30
104.4fm all over London
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