The Land

The land was fertile:

To breed poets,

And musicians,


Many soothsayers,

Even sorcerers.


To make all of these

You need poverty;

You need beauty;


Sensetive feelings,

High-run emotions,

Profound wishes,

Deep traditions.


For long stories

You would need rebels,

Even some revolts,

Very high mountains,

Very dense forests,

Movement of people;

Of different races,

Varied origins,

And varied cultures,

Reasons for movement,

Of many tribes;

Settled or moving.


There were many “would’s”

Some of them shallow,

Some were profound.

Roots of some of them

Had been lost in myths

And the old epics

Of our people.


They all existed

In every village

And every corner

Within my own reach;

Or little farther

Or a bit before

I came to this world.


A trace of verse

Ran in my clan

For few decades;

Not to my father,

Not to his father,

But, to his father.


Even a thick book

Of poetry

Had been ascribed

To that lonely man

With only one eye

And only one child

And without much care

For the treasures

Of fleeting world.


His main treasure

Was his biting words;

Poisonous, indeed,

That scared people

In the area

Of sword of his pen.


I had seen nothing

Of any writing

Of prose or verse

Coming from him.

Neither I saw him;

Though; he was teacher

Of my grand dad’s

And also his son’s

One of them my dad.




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