Graham Greene

I Believe *

I can believe only in love that strikes suddenly out of a clear sky:

I do not believe in the slow germination of friendship

Or one that asks ‘why?’

Because our love came savagely, suddenly, like an actor of war,

I cannot conceive a love that rises gently and subsides without a scar.


After Two Years *

In a plane your hair was blown,
And in an island the old car
Lingered from inn to inn,
Like a fly on a map.
A mattress was spread on a cottage floor
And a door closed on a world, but another door
Opened, and I was far
From the old world sadly known
Where the fruitless seeds were sown,
And they called that virtue and this sin
Did I ever love God before I knew the place
I rest in now, now with my hand
Set in stone, never to move?
For this is love, and this I love,
And even my God is here.

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