Book of instructions

It is almost midnight. Lovely San Francisco is offering us a rainy night. Christmas is almost here and I am stuck in the middle of my engineering formulas.

These formulas are forming my moments these days.

I am tired and I am thinking what life would be like if we just didn’t have any formulas?

What would we do if we could live in a life full of personal experiments instead of other people’s laws?

Well, it is obvious that maybe science wouldn’t work. There wouldn’t be any bridges standing or any planes flying, but let’s look at it in ideological terms.

Why should we have all these rules for life? Why should we follow the path that has been told to us for generations? Why when we do something different form the imposed way of thinking, suddenly they call us not normal?

Well, I have no answers for it. Maybe it is a good thing that we are just followers, or maybe not. I can answer that question better when I am older, but I am sure about something–“life has no book of instructions.”

We were born free, we live by own personal logic, and we die by expiration of our destiny. I guess I’d better get back to my engineering formulas, because those x’s and y’s will bring bread to my table.

Nighty night!

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