MKO: Into the arms of the executioner?

Reuters reports that the 3,500 residents of Mojahedeen Khalgh Organization’s Camp Ashraf in Iraq have been told by the Iraqi government that their camp will be closed and that they will have to leave the country.  The camp had been under US protection thus far.  Where would they go?  Many Camp Ashraf residents have never known a life other than the one they have been living for the past three decades.  The only country that has requested their release into her custody is the Islamic Republic of Iran.  That prospect poses a grave fate for the group.  If returned to Iran, they will be persecuted and many of them could face execution.

The group’s leader, Massoud Rajavi’s whereabouts and circumstances are unknown, and his wife Maryam Rajavi has been living in Europe for the past several years.  In the hands of a country that considers them unwelcome, in the absence of any other country’s willingness to let them in, and with IRI’s all too eager interest in having them, this group’s future is looking its bleakest ever.  What do you think should be done about them?

Photo source.

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