In the art of distorting reality, there is a cunning ploy, called roobah vo domash: the target is followed by a clumsy gumshoe; she (Let’s be feminist) discovers she is being tailed, easily shakes the tail off and goes on, feeling secure. Beside her, there are other detectives who stick to her like glue and follow her to her perdition. This is commonly called a “double tail” or domeh roobah.
Apparently, some of us were duped by such a ruse of a Zionist plot to infiltrate this site. This free Iranian blogoshpere is ostensibly open: everyone can be a blogger, add or edit any entry. This rule has a serious drawback: using this anonymity, a dedicated group may infiltrate the system by stealth, distort reality and create a false picture of the world in the eyes of us vatan-roondeha. The aim being to take hope and divide us on our beliefs. The only reason I see to the simple question of “why?” is to take revenge. Revenge from Iranians in general as the only obstacle of their riped land to become an hegemony in the region is Ali gueda and Mahmood (Choobeh 2 sar g#### be ma migan)
So, if you don’t want to lose your freedom of speech, be aware of this foolish strategy known from the beginning of human history as Divide to Conquer.