8th child execution by Iran in 2008

The organization of collective human rights activists in Iran reported the execution of juvenile offender Ahmad Zare’e .
His execution took place 10 days ago on the 5th of the Persian month of “Day”  around Dec 30th 2008 . According to Peyke Iran, Ahmad was 17 years old when he allegedly killed someone in a village on the outskirts of Sanandaj.

In the early morning before his execution, he was held in a special cell until he was executed in the courtyard of the prison. He was executed at the start of “Moharam”, a time when no executions are to take place. 

His body was given to his family for burial purposes. SCE regrets not ever having any information about Ahmad Zare’e.

For more information and to sign the petition to stop child executions in Iran , visit:




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