The Left redefining the world

It is not a secret that the left has staged a worldwide campaign to re-define many important global political concepts and definitions. Most of these re-interpretations benefit leftist and non-leftist dictatorial regimes such as IRI and Chavez and Cuba and others. In the last few years, we saw some of the devastating results of these attempts. Many worldwide efforts to contain and confront brutal regimes such as IRI, Syria, Russia, Cuba, Chavez and others were unsuccessful because of the fact that the left took it upon itself to take the upper hand and win the public opinion war that was necessarily to support any of those efforts, by redefining those concepts.


That trend has started to reverse with the election of Obama and Bush’s departure. However, some damage has already been made. Below are some of the most common terms that the left attempted to re-define, and their definitions:


Civility = being too soft on “imperialism”!


Democracy and human rights = imperialist concepts to plunder third world resources.


Having relations with a country with majority “white” population, excluding Russia and Belarus = Selling out!


Any re-action to any action, no matter if not compatible = justified!


Wealth = treason!


Free enterprise= an Imperialist tool to control humans


Any action taken by the U.S = a plot and/or conspiracy!


Dictatorships = victims of Imperialism.


People living under those dictators = happy and equal!


Free media = Imperialist propaganda war on the world.


Stalin/Castro/Khomeini = misunderstood! They are also true heroes!


Cultural exchange and adopting modern lifestyle = losing your identity to the Imperialists!


History = we are still in it!


Colonialism = still exists!


Openmindness = being brainwashed by Imperialists!


Zionist: anyone who is socially, politically and culturally moderate, hates the IRI, want to see a free Iran, want to see a democratic Iran, who believes in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, who believes in freedom of religion and thought and expression and in free elections and in a democratic system, who believes in right to bare arms, right to worship freely, who believes in separation of church and state and in social discipline ,who doesn’t bash people blindly, who is tolerant of other views, who shows civility.


Extremist: anyone who is not a leftist.


There you go ladies and gentleman! The left has “enlightened” us using “re-education” techniques they’re so good at!



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