the deep influence of Israel on US politics thas made the Middle Ease Unsafe and stability and peace is a joke by Israelis.
it was embarrassing for Condoleezza Rice who was ordered to leave the UN and not to vote for Resolution because Olmert called Bush and ordered him to do so. Olmert told “I said ‘get me President Bush on the phone’. They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia. I said I didn’t care. ‘I need to talk to him now’.
He got off the podium and spoke to me.” I told him the United States could not vote in favour. It cannot vote in favour of such a resolution. He immediately called the secretary of state and told her not to vote in favour.”
it is a shame for the US and US citizens that a prime minister of another country to call and demand especially , some corrupt politician such as Olmert who has been indicted for the bribery .While the republican are leaving the office in less than one week and practically in next 4 years they wil not be in cahrge of foreign policy
then why they listen to the Olmert and over pass Sectray of State for the interest of Israel.
the resistance of Gazan shows how ISrael hates Peace .
If the ISraelis are not commiting crime why they do not let Reporters and Huamn right activists to enter the Gaza to see what is going over there