The Power Of LEFT Hand(ers)

They can do this, that and…
They can play any tune or band
Love and respect they do command
They always get what they demand

They always flourish and expand
Their glory spreads far and is fanned
Their entry is always grand
For there lies the power in LEFT hand

They know “no (wo)man is an island”
Be it in far away Jutland
They never elbow or kickstand
For everything is theirs in the land

Their posts are heavily manned
From Nagaland to Newfoundland
They don’t say anything offhand
Everything is penned and planned

They went to moon and even to Queensland
They remain in no one’s remand
They leave imprints in times of sand
Their popularity spreads in tens and thousand

Everyone will readily understand
They savor delicacies and viand
They hold a magic wand
They are always termed “excellent”

Quality is their yardwand
Lefties are everywhere – from Zealand to Zetland

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Iranian Singles

Recipient Of The Serena Shim Award

Serena Shim Award
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