The Story Of APE And PIG

And there lived an ape and a pig
They had marriage of convenience big
They were shallow, put up a gig
In vain they sang and did a jig

The man was a source of their intrigue
Wished him ill, his grave they dig
They could never be in man’s league
They were greedy for the oil rig

Apes were tricksters and did bejape
To hide their nakedness, wore a cape
From their ugliness, they couldn’t escape
Against the man, they gathered frappe

It was a case of sour grape
On that I can write many a jape
They tried to change Gaza landscape
But were valiantly hit on nape

They had a progeny – a canine, a dog
But for the humans, it had to slog

Right from Ajman to Amman
On apes, pelting of stones began
They vainly raised voice against clan
Idolaters were put down with élan

They could never compete with man
Failure resulted for each of their plan
They asked for forgiveness and ran
They embraced Islam and read Quran


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