Back again…

So here I am, many years after I first embarked on, surfing the site and *finding* myself again.  Looking good JJ, it has really come on!!

Who can help? Anyone out there like me? 

Anyone who wants to be Iranian but doesn’t quite know how…(yes I know how to taarof…I think that is genetic…).

Talk to me, let me know who you are, have you embraced who you are?  Have you given up? Do you find the internal struggle too much to bear? or do you not bother about it all?

Sound depressing? Probably is, but I have a cold, i’m tired and I have to go sit with the in laws and eat crumpets so indulge me!


Meet Iranian Singles

Iranian Singles

Recipient Of The Serena Shim Award

Serena Shim Award
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Meet your Persian Love Today!