If Journalism is about Collecting FACTS, History is about TRUTH !

Approximately 11 Million People were killed in the Nazi Concentration Camps out of which 6 Million were Jews. Others Consisted of Gypsies, Political Activists, Intellectuals, Homosexuals, Mentally ill psychiatric patients as well as Pysically disabled, POW (Prisoners of War: When deemed inferior), and even Blacks. Many of whome were also subject to so called “Scientific” experiences by Nazi Doctors.  

Short Intro (Before Original Movie made for High School Students ):

Here is a Compilation of Footage of Nazi Concentration Camps in the immediate aftermath of World War II (1945). The footage was gathered by the US Department of Defense as part of the effort to conduct war crimes trials. Shot by a Hollywood crew under the direction of the yet unknown (interview by Darius Kadivar)


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