Bozo, My DOG

About him, I am always agog
He’s web savvy, he loves to blog
In IT world, he fits like a cog
He is Bozo. He is my DOG

His breakfast begins with eggnog
His eyes are sharp in dark or fog
His interest lies in history and geog
Limelight he always tries to hog

My visitors, he is first to ineterrog
Regularly he goes for morning jog
In street fights, he acts as kenalog
On my friends, he maintains a log

At times, he whines in a monolog
Any stranger, he fixes as a nog
All passing beauties, he gladly og
He conducts marathon run after prog

He relishes a dish of yummy quahog
Drivers are wary when he’s a roadhog
With a life of ease, he never ever slog
A city traveler, he’s written a travelog

With his bark, a sink he can unclog
Against pollution, he lectures on vog
Against profanities, he’s banned wog
He is always polite, he doesn’t exag

He’s a fitness freak, does active yog
Makes him run fast or fly like a zog

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