Judging George W Bush! What’s Myth and what’s reality?

On Inauguration day, President Obama thanked former President Bush for his services to the country. That raises an important question. How will history judge W?

It is no secret that in the last 8 years, a “culture” of anti Bushism was created by leftist media in the United States and by the global anti American leftist movements. I have no doubt, that many aspects of this culture were false and misguided, and in the midst, truth was lost between all the clichés and all the propaganda. That is not to say W didn’t make mistakes, and this is not defending him, but rather, pointing out the reality that the Left didn’t target Bush only, but America itself.

Once the dust is settled, there will be room to objectively analyze Bush and his policies. Now, when attempting to do that, you will be immediately called an “Extremist”, “Neo con”, and I love this one, “Zionist”!! by leftist thugs and bullies!!! However, this culture is on its way to die out, so, below, to starters, I have categorized some of the most controversial issues in the last 8 years:

– Bush had good intentions, but his bureaucracy (CIA and Army) made strategic mistakes, and leftist media went with the anti U.S cliché’s= Iraq War. He truly thought that with a free and prosperous Iraq, U.S can be safe. However, in order to get to that envisioned Iraq, the CIA and the Army made horrendous mistakes that made it more and more difficult to achieve those goals. The global leftist media never attempted to analyze the situation.

– He had good intentions and did the right thing, but he did not follow up as he should’ve = Afghanistan

– He had good intentions but he showed incompetence in solving the issue, and bureaucracy (advisors, Atty General Ashcroft) failed him, and leftist media used it to engage in anti U.S propaganda= Guantanamo detainees issue. He didn’t understand the consequence of keeping those detainees there, and his legal advisors and Attorney General never seemed to explain their stance clearly. On the other hand, leftist media never attempted to uncover the truth, rather, they used it to bash the U.S and make it look bad.

– He had good intentions, but the Army in Iraq failed miserably, and leftist media used it to engage in anti U.S propaganda = Abu Ghreib.

– He had good intentions but not the knowledge of how to get it done, Congress failed him because of lack of oversight, and media never covered it = financial crisis. He believed in liberal economy, as most nations do these days, and that has proven to be the best model of economy. However, that model needs oversight too, and that’s where both he and Congress failed, and the Media never saw it coming.

– He had good intention, but bureaucracy (FEMA) failed him miserably, and the local New Orleans and Louisiana State governments blamed it all on him = Katrina

– He had good intentions, but not the knowledge, Congress is trying to fix issue, the media doesn’t get it either = Iran’s nuclear issue. He doesn’t understand that the threat of IRI comes not from the nuclear bomb, but rather from it being the center of the Islamic fundamentalism ideology. His persistence on the nuclear issue will lead to nowhere, and Congress doesn’t seem to get it either, but that might change soon, and the media is making no attempt to understand the true nature of the IRI.

– He had bad intentions by engaging in the permanent campaign mode, congress didn’t do any better, and media capitalized on it to create controversy = Polarization politics. He made many enemies for himself by bashing Democrats and people who didn’t agree with his policies. He didn’t make many attempts to explain his policies, and to discuss them with people whom he didn’t like, but had to work with anyway.

– He had good intentions, but didn’t explain clearly and lost his way and did not cover all angles, Congress didn’t do any better, and the leftist media used it to engage in anti U.S propaganda = Patriot Act.

In conclusion, it is important to think objectively, and not surrender your logic to clichés and emotions. There is no doubt that once he’s gone, the results of his policies will become more evident, and the room to discuss them will become more open, and then, many people will realize that it is always important to keep an open mind, and that is not what they have been doing in the last 8 years.

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