Bahai’s Living in Iran with No Human Rights

Universal human rights are being trampled underfoot in the Islamic “Republic” of Iran. In particular, the Baha’is in Iran are regarded as people with no rights.

On 10 December, Human Rights Day, the organisation known as Human Rights Activists In Iran recalled a demonstration held in Tehran on 7 December 1953. At this demonstration, intended to show solidarity with the then prime minister Mossadegh, three Iranian students were shot dead: Shariat Razavi, Ghandchi and Bozorgnia. Since then, 7 December has been known as Student Day in Iran.

This year, too, several hundred students gathered in front of the main building of Tehran University. Their demands included the release of students from Iranian prisons and an end to discrimination against Iranian women.

State ban on education for Baha’is

On 7 December 2008, Human Rights Activists in Iran published a statement by two Baha’i students issued on behalf of all Baha’is not allowed to study in Iran. Navid Khanjani and Hesam Misaqi linked this statement to the events of 7 December 1953.

Today, 55 years later, many young Iranians are denied the right to university education. For more than 30 years, the Iranian Bahai’s have had no civil rights. Until 2004, they did not even have the right to sit the university admission exam. While it is true that a few have enrolled in the past few years, most of the… >>>

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