Here we go, read this load of rubbish:
The report details Tehran’s success in circumventing U.N. sanctions and concludes that Iranian scientists already have the “know how” to build a nuclear weapon and that unless action is taken to prevent it, they will possess all necessary technology, equipment and fissile material to deploy nuclear weapons no later than the end of next year and “perhaps sooner.”
Obviously the US forces don’t like the peace dividend. Nor would their sparring partners, namely the Theocrats/Seyyeds like the peace dividend.
The money the US and Iran would save, and put into infrastructure projects outside the military industrial complex, would certainly spur an economical revival.
As it stands neither can afford a war. But it is all about the Chinese. The Chinese that are getting a deal, that even the Shahanshah Aryamehr did not provide to our allies in the West back then, and got criticised for it big time by the radical chic. Hey, where are the radical chic now? Still in Avenue George V sipping coffee eh? Why don’t they talk of the Chinese making that stuff for Wal-Mart and the like, with their prisoners in those concentration camps, to then ship to US consumers.
This is the process, and many more like it dotted all over the world, that is driving the big companies products. I don’t think Obama will attack this slavary going on. If he does then the Chinese will stop buying US Treasuries.
So the Chinese need to be brought front and centre in all this. They are the clear and present danger not Iran Mr North. Actually it is the Wal-Marts of this world who are behind all this, but the Obamas of this world will never tell you that. They are far too complacent when it comes to donations.
It’s a vicious circle. How do you break it? The people of Iran have to be equipped with the means to let the world know about their scientists being held at gun point to make silly devices that suck far too much money and put us all in danger.
We have literally millions of Iranian blogs, the third most in the world, and not one of them is looked at by the world press reguarly to see the demise of our people.
It sickens me.
So the world will have to sink into an economic depression so much that all the machineries of war will be eliminated and we can all come to our senses. Maybe then we will see the truth and save the slaves of US corporations; that are bigger than most countries and are not answerable to anyone but the world markets.