IRI Attempts to Demolish Cemetery for Massacre Victims

I am blogging this for a non-registered user who posted it on one of my blog threads. The entire text including title come unedited from that post There are links to original news sources, a photo and a call to action to the UN in the link at the bottom to Kamangir’s website.



IRI plans to demolish Khavaron

by darkest hours (not verified) on Fri Jan 23, 2009 09:11 AM PST

Dear Rosie: This is a tad off topic. I hope you don’t mind.

The Islamic Republic was build upon blood and deceit, period. The IRI has crippled, literally and figuratively, Iran’s potential economic, cultural, and social progress and prosperity.

IRI has killed,tortured thousands of innocent Iranians and someday has to be held accountable for their crimes, if there is a God.

In the meantime, the IRI is trying to erase the evidence of their 1988 massacre. Please do what you can to preserve the khavaron cemetry.

According to Amnesty International, between 4500 to 10000 Iranian political prisoners were massacred in 1988 over a period of just two months. The relatives of the victims were not allowed to have the bodies of their loved ones or hold a funeral, instead the bodies were taken in meat trucks and dumped in places like Khavaran or what the regime referred to as La’nat-Abad [The Damned Place], a cemetery used for burying non-Muslims.

The mass burial at Khavaran was only accidentally discovered by an Armenian priest who had become curious as to why stray dogs kept digging there for bones.

Although the useful idiots across the West, who are always ready to march in support of terrorists and brutal dictators, thought the massacre was not worthy of a protest, even the successor to Ayatollah Khomeini at the time, Ayatollah Montazeri, could not stay silent and wrote a protest letter, which promptly resulted in his removal from the position of successor to the Supreme Leader.

Now, twenty years later, the Islamic Republic can not tolerate families of those victims who come to Khavaran to console their sorrow. Mothers and fathers, brother and sisters, sons and daughters who just hold pictures of their loved ones and plant trees and flowers to say we have not forgotten our victims. But thats too much for the Islamic Republic authorities, they want to demolish Khavaran altogether.…


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