An open letter to all IRI supporters: Why here?

It is not a secret that IRI has, by far, the strongest propaganda machine among all governments and groups in the world. One of the key elements of heir success for the last 30 years has been falsifying truth and spreading propaganda and making up reality as they go.

One of the sites that have seen an influx of IRI supporters and of Socialists who apologize for the regime has been That brings up the question: Why here? When IRI supporters run out of logic and argument, they resort to character assassination and they make it personal. Recently they asked an Iranian who stands with the people of Iran in the face of Fascist IRI, why he has come to this site, where as, the real question is why have they come to this site?

 Is it because they want to spread IRIs propaganda?

Is it because they want to steal the Iranian voice?

Is it because they want to bash Israel? Which by the way, brings up an important follow up question, why so much Israel bashing on Shouldn’t be a place for all whom are concerned with Iran’s affairs? So why did some try to change it to And if it wasn’t for us pushing them back, they would’ve succeeded.

Why so much in support of Palestinians and not a single word in support of Iranians who are gradually dying under the brutality of the Apartheid regime in Tehran? Why silent about Iran and vocal about Palestine?

Why not responding to logical questions asked about the reason of their support for the IRI regime?

 So, why??? Why here? Why

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