Nazi’s Occupation of Poland Similar to Gaza Occupation

“It is not the task of the Administration to make Poland[Gaza] into a model province or a model state of the German[Israel] order or to put her economically or financially on a sound basis. The Polish[Palestine] intelligentsia must be prevented from forming a ruling class. The standard of living in the country is to remain low; we only want to draw labor forces from there. Poles[Arabs] are also to be used for the administration of the country. However the forming of national political groups may not be allowed.” (…)

“The Governor General is to give the Polish[Palestine] nation only bare living conditions and is to maintain the basis for military security.” (…)

“Any tendencies towards the consolidation of conditions in Poland[Palestine] are to be suppressed. The ‘Polish[Palestine] muddle’ [polnische Wirtschaft] must be allowed to develop. The government of the territory must make it possible for us to purify the Reich[Israeli] territory from Jews[Arabs] and Polacks[Palestinians]too. Collaboration with new Reich[Zionist] provinces (Posen and West Prussia) only for resettlements.” (…)

“In this country the force of a determined leadership must rule. The Pole[Palestine] must feel here that we are not building him a legal state, but that for him there is only one duty, namely, to work and to behave himself.” (…)

“The situation in regard to Poland[Palestine] is unique insofar as on the one hand – I speak quite openly – we must expand Germanism[Zionism] in such a manner that the area of the General Government becomes pure German[Jewish] colonized land at some decades to come; and, on the other hand, under the present war conditions, we have to allow foreign racial groups to perform here the work which must be carried out in the service of Greater Germany[Israel].” (…)

“It is understandable that in resettling this area . . .we did not make friends of the Poles[Arabs]. In colonizing this territory with racial Germans[Jews], we are forced to chase out the Poles[Palestinians]. We are removing those who
constitute a burden in this new colonization territory. Actually, they are the asocial and inferior elements.” (…)

“Whenever there is the least attempt by the Poles [Palestinians] to start anything, an enormous campaign of destruction will follow.” (…)


The full testimony can be read in the following link:…

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