Get rid of the empire
by Justin Raimondo
The talk is all of stimuli and other matters economic
– how do we re-inflate the balloon of American prosperity? Reality has taken
a hat-pin to it, and trillions
have gone up in the smoke of foreclosed mortgages and credit-default swaps.
Panaceas are not lacking. Paul
Krugman says it doesn’t matter what we spend our money on, as long as we
throw it away rapidly and without forethought. I have no doubt that soon we’ll
be hearing the ghost of Huey Long promising “Every
man a king!” I fully expect the Townsend Plan to come back at some
point, along, perhaps, with a revival of interest in pre-Leninist forms of Marxism.
Along these lines, President Obama and his party have come up with a “stimulus
package,” and I must pause to remark how important … >>>