Bahman Salimian is granted stay of execution

Stop Child Executions welcomes the news of Bahman Salimian receiving a stay of execution from Iran’s head of Judiciary Ayatollah Shahroudi.  Mr. Mohammad Mostafaei said that the news was reported today in Iran’s state run newspaper Etemad Melli under the section of human rights written by Sanaz Olah Bedashti.  Mr. Mostafaei said :” I would like to thank  all who work very hard for the kids of this country and we hope we see the removal of all unjust  laws from our country.” 

Stop Child Executions would also like to thank Bahman Salimian’s attorneys, all those involved at the UN including Mr. Craig Mokhiber,  Parliamentarians including the Spanish Government who pushed hard on this case, and all other actvists and individuals who took immediate action upon receiving the news of Bahaman Salimian’s execution date.

Please note that Bahman Salimian and the 140+ other juveniles on death row  are still at risk of execution and need your help to put pressure on Iran to abide by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Charter of the Rights of the Child to which they are state party.

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