Jewish girl, Muslim boy

Long before prophet’s

Hatred disguised itself

As twisted truth, promising

Virgins in paradise’ turf.


Long before bigotry became

Official – calling Jews impure,

Christians infidels, Bahaie’s

non-existent for the sake of its moor.


Long before name calling

Became a sophisticated melody

Masking itself as trumpet of orphans

Advocating peace and harmony.


Long before a mother’s

Laughter became heartache

In shape of blood stain

Painting her soul.


Long before the cruelty

Of firing squad mowed down

Noble ones guilty of honor even

In the last moment and its dawn.


Long before naïve minds sold out

To lies twisting past, snake-charming

Present, poisoning tomorrow

By this story in the making.


There was your heart devouring

Smile on sidelines, my struts

To impress your soul,

One story that remained untold.


That smile makes any soul

Wannabe “Cyrus-the-Great”

Just to claim that I had the honor

Kiss her hand at night, my “Esther.”

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