Iran putting forth effort to eradicate Baha’i faith

In the past 80 years, students in Iran of the Baha’i religion were declined acceptance to universities and faced expulsion from the universities they attended simply because of their religious beliefs.

In 2007 and early 2008, many students were harassed and beaten by peers and administrators in Iran for adherence to Baha’i beliefs. Of the 78 high school attacks, 68 were against girls.

The Baha’i religion believes in progressive revelation, in other words, religion should conform to modern society. There is no need for a clergy of any kind and with aging we bring new knowledge with us.

“If you were traveling from St. Louis to Chicago in the 1930s, you would follow a different map than you would in today’s time. The Baha’i faith is the latest roadmap to God,” Mark Anderson, Bloomington High School teacher and Baha’i adherent, said.

Also important to the Baha’i community, which stretches across the globe and encompasses about five million people, is the importance of education of women.

“Not only are Baha’is prevented from earning a higher education, but their businesses were shut down by the government as well. To this day, the only lines of work that Baha’is are not officially excluded from are certain type of trade businesses,” Naghme N., an ISU sociology graduate student, said, and who expressed that the release of her last name may cause potential harm to her family.

“The government [in Iran] continual… >>>

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