US Afghan parley likely to include Iran
Many pro-Israel figures have assailed Brzezinski and Scowcroft for their views on the Middle East, and the choice to invite the two to testify did
Many pro-Israel figures have assailed Brzezinski and Scowcroft for their views on the Middle East, and the choice to invite the two to testify did
فیلم «مادران خاوران» چگونگی تبدیل گورستان «لعنت آباد» به گلزار خاوران مبارزه مادران و همسران جان باختگان علیه فراموشی و دادخواهی را به نمایش گذاشته
Sci-fi TV show Heroes will return for a fourth season despite falling audience figures in the US, an NBC executive has told the Hollywood Reporter.
Looking for a lift, I paid a visit last week to our own Jeremiah, Cardiff’s prophet of doom. Against all odds, I was counting on
Take the Money and Run By Ernest Partridge March 4, 2009 “ICH” — If the Obama economic goals are to be met – a repaired
Rapes targeting girls as young as seven are on the increase in Afghanistan where conditions for women are little better than under the Taliban, the
Outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned on Friday that it would not be possible to reach a peace accord with the Palestinians if Israel did
Take Emory University, for example, where about a third of undergraduates are Jewish. “The situation’s very interesting because in the past Emory was not a
حسن حداد، معاون امنیت دادسرای تهران خبر داده است که رکسانا صابری، خبرنگار ایرانی – آمریکایی که حدود یک ماه پیش بازداشت شده بود، تا
Stop Child Executions organization would like to congratulate Canadian youth for their initiative against juvenile execution and for keeping Behnam Zare’s spirit alive. EVERTON MCLEAN The Telegram
Leila Dean, 29, of Brighton approached Mandelson seconds after he got out of his car and tossed a substance which she later identified as custard.
اين زندانی وجدانی که در حال تحمل پنجمين سال از محکوميت شانزده ساله خود بود پس از رو به وخاومت گرائيدن وضعيت جسمی خود که
On March 4 , President Obama made a call to buy stocks! But noone listened. The markets went down even further!
با سلام دلم میخواهد که بتوانم برای دوستان و اطرافیان خود مثمر ثمری باشم. من سالها در مدارس ایرانی آمریکایی انگلیسی و آلمانی تدریس کرده
“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.” “The true man wants two things: danger and play.
Iran born fashion designer Masih Zad may be in his early twenties, but his youthful designs don’t neglect his Persian culture. In fact, they honor
The case has perplexed friends and colleagues in Tehran. No charges have been filed, though officials have described her reporting as illegal. On Friday, an
ابرام خالدار را به جرم سرقت محاكمه ميكنند، محکوم میشود که طبق حكم شرع بايد يك دستش را قطع كنند. میخواهند دست راستش را قطع
Their visit came as the United Nations human rights group warned that Sudan’s expulsion of 13 aid organizations from Darfur could also constitute a war
the extremist leadership’s practices in Iran will increase the number of adversaries among the Iranian people and within the regime itself. This will most likely
Ahmadinejad found the shoe on the other foot as he waved to the crowd from an open-top car on his way to give a speech
من که نان از قوت بازو و دست خود خورم در پدآفند ایستم از ارزش آقا چرا؟ نه شهی نانم بداده است و نه هرگز
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — An Iranian woman who surrendered to U.S. authorities hoping to get probation was instead sentenced Friday to more than five
Egyptian manhunt for Iranian agent behind terror attacks on Westerners DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 6, 2009, 7:39 PM (GMT+02:00) Bomb blast at Cairo’s Khan al
من از دیاری أم که شعر خداست من از شهری أم که مستی صفاست من از کشوریم که افتخارش خاطره ست من